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I have a long history of innovation and invention in the computer and telecommunications industries.  For the full list, feel free to download my CV.  Below you will find a few of the projects and achievements that I am most proud of.

Best Projects

2010 - 2013: US Army PEO-EIS 

Lead the only DoD effort to succeed in gaining accreditation for Apple iOS (ISCG), Google Android (STIG), and Microsoft Mobile (STIG) devices to be used by DoD.

2004: Cryptek 

Invented DiamondSAT, the world’s first integrated data encryptor and satellite communications accelerator.  This device provides the capability to pass tightly encrypted data at high speeds over a satellite connection, without the usual loss of bandwidth caused by interference between the acceleration and encryption technologies.

1999: AT&T / U.S. Government 

Re-engineered the US Government’s DVS-G (Digital Video Services – Global), to allow automated real-time configurations for worldwide, multi-participant, mixed-infrastructure video conferencing.  This is a core service, provided by AT&T for use within the US Government by everyone requiring video-conferencing services, including the President of the United States.

1994: America Online

Designed and implemented key segments of the secure internet connectivity infrastructure and then invented the internet email gateway capability for America Online.  Both of these activities were crucial elements in the ultimate success of the AOL service.

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