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Thank you


for the opportunity to introduce myself.


As a leading edge technology professional with decades of experience, I know my personal history of being a world-class innovator, as well as my other diverse skills and qualifications will make me an asset to your enterprise.





     Available for:

  Consulting and  Lectures                       covering


  • Cyber Security

  • Network Architectures

  • Mobile Devices

  • Standards and Compliance

  • Project Management
  • Design and Innovation


Social links:

  • Google+ Clean Grey
  • LinkedIn Clean Grey


CSO - Palo Alto Networks


“Andrew is an IT/Security expert form the old school. He has been there from the beginning and brings a wealth of experience to whatever tasks is assigned him.”


Software Architect - General Dynamics


"As my leader and manager, he understood when to push technical issues and also when give everyone a break.  I often draw on my experiences with him in how to manage and motivate my teams."


Dir. Prod. Mgmt. - Time Warner Cable


"Andrew is an excellent manager who regularly takes the initiative to introduce new business opportunities, while managing a team spread across the country."

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